Our News & Insights
Here, you will find a unique collection of carefully researched and analyzed information that pertains specifically to the South Pacific. Our team of experts study the local business environment, cultural nuances, and economic trends to bring you the latest insights and case studies.

Pacific Advisory recently published our 'Going Digital' report: What's Next for Vanuatu in Blockchain Innovation?
Going Digital represents the most comprehensive study ever conducted into blockchain digital transformation in the Pacific.

Pacific Advisory Joins High-Level Government Climate Diplomacy and Advocacy Mission
Our Managing Partner, Glen Craig, accompanied an official Vanuatu delegation to Europe, which had high-level discussions with Ministers and officials of the EU, Germany, France and the UK. Discussions covered a wide range of topics

Glen Craig Delivers Keynote Presentation at Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
Glen Craig, an expert in disaster resilience, recently delivered a keynote presentation at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) in Brisbane.

Virtually Presented at the Small Island Developing States Global Business Forum in Palau
A lockdown prevented our managing partner from attending in person but he presented virtually at the Small Island Developing States Global Business Forum in Palau which was part of the "Our Ocean" forum.

Showcased Cashless Payment Methods at the E-Banking Expo
Glen Craig contributed to the e-banking expo that was run by the Vanuatu Business Resilience Council that showcased various cashless payment methods to the business community.

Co-Chairing the Melanesia Sub-Regional Private Sector Workshop on Climate Finance
The Government of Vanuatu, through the Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation and the Vanuatu Business Resilience Council, co-hosted the Melanesia Sub-regional Private Sector Workshop on Climate Finance during October in Port Vila, with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Fiji.

Interviewed By the Connecting Business Initiative for World Humanitarian Day
Glen was interviewed by the Connecting Business initiative for World Humanitarian Day. He discussed how the private sector in Vanuatu have stepped up to assist in the country in times of humanitarian need and how the Vanuatu Business Resilience Council is working hard to strengthen local business to be better prepared to respond and recover in times of crisis.

Keeping Vanuatu Covid-Free
Listen to Glen Craig contribute to the #voiceofamerica piece on Vanuatu and border closure that highlights the governments excellent efforts in keeping Vanuatu Covid-Free.