Local Services
Foreign Investment Approval Certificates
All non-citizens or foreign investors wishing to establish or purchase a business in Vanuatu are required to apply to the Vanuatu Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (VFIPA) for permission to invest in country. VFIPA are responsible for the assessment and certification of foreign investments. Pacific Advisory has assisted dozens of businesses through this process including obtaining all required documents, permits and licences.
You will need a business plan, projected profit and loss statement, personal details of the investor(s), a recent Police Clearance and other documents to complete your application.
Permanent Residency, Special Category Visa & Vanuatu Citizenship
Pacific Advisory are very experienced in all matters relating to immigration. We can assist in obtaining citizenship by investment under the DSP program is fully recognized by the Government of Vanuatu. Those applying for and receiving Vanuatu Citizenship under the DSP have the full freedom to reside in Vanuatu at all times, and the passport is renewable upon expiry. This is a completely confidential process.
We also offer the ten year permenant residency program which is a cost effective way to obtain the right to live in the country permenantly.
Business Licences
Pacific Advisory are ready to help you with your business licence preparation and submission. Once submitted these have quick turn around of just a few days.
We can also ensure that this is completed annually for you and reminders given as failure to do so may result in expensive fines from the government.
Work Permits
All businesses that wish to employee a non-citizen in their operations, are required to obtain a work permit for that employee. Pacific Advisory can guide you through this process and assist your company in assuring compliance with all relivant legislations and regulations.
Anti Money Laundering (AML)
Pacific Advisory ensures that it is current with the latest regulations, acts and guidance notes issued by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). We can develop your companies AML/KYC manual and policies. We can audit this for you as required and provide training and support to your compliance staff.
Property Conveyancing
Pacific Advisory has been involved in many of the large real estate transactions in the pacific over the past 15 years. We are experts in matters retaining to real estate with a specialist division to guide you through the aquisition process and ensuring the security of your transaction.
We can also manage the payment necessary government fees via our Escrow/trust account services.
Regulatory Advise
A large potion of our work is assisting our clients in entering the south pacific market. We have relationships with most large law firms, regulatory bodies and financial institutions in the region. With our large network of government contacts we can ensure a smooth as possible entry in untaking business for you company, NGO or non-for-profit organisation.
Not-for-Profit Formation
Not-for-profit organisations may be formed in Vanuatu. Pacific Advisory can help you to arrange registration of your NFP foundation with the VFSC and provide you the support to guide you with ongoing compliance requirements.
Tax Identification Number Application (TIN)
An individual or business is required to have a Tax Identification Number (TIN) before applying for a business license, VAT registration or lodgement of rent tax returns (for residential or non-commercial rentals).
VNPF & VAT Registration
A business must register and apply 15% Value Added Tax (VAT) to sales and services. Also all employers and eligible employees are required to register with the Vanuatu National Provident Fund (VNPF) and pay monthly contributions.
Trademark Registration
Vanutau has a strong trademark registration policy. Pacific Advisory acts as your in country representative to register your trademark/brand.