Company Formation
Local companies are the most popular business operating model in Vanuatu. A local company takes only 3-5 days to incorporate, however there is a number of documents required prior to the company being entitled to commence business activities.
We at Pacific Advisory take the hassle out of the process by providing the full set of documentation and obtaining all required statutory bodies’ approvals on your behalf. We can also provide you with agency and representation services, or even take the full after-care of your company administrative affairs.
How Pacific Advisory can help
Drafting of the deed of incorporation
Drafting of articles of association
Drafting of the shareholders’ and directors resolutions
Business Name registration
Business License issuance
Drafting of the register of shareholders and directors
Municipal permit to conduct business issuance
TIN number
VAT Registration
VNPF Registration
We can also arrange to act as a shareholders representative, recruiting subject matter or senior professional directors for your Boards of Directors and can manage investors’ interest at arm-length through board nominees or sit on boards directly on your behalf.
We can also assist with special requirements for companies in regulated industries such as domestic or off-shore banks, insurance companies, trust companies etc.
To get in touch please fill in the form below: